Spanish-English Medical Dictionary
Letter T
- tabaco (m)
- tobacco
- tabique (m)
- septum, nasal septum
- tableta (f)
- tablet
- tablilla (f)
- splint
- TAC (m)
- CAT scan
- tachas (fp)
- blemishes
- tacotillo (m)
- skin boil
- tacto (m)
- touch
- tacto rectal (m)
- rectal exam
- tajo (m)
- gash
- talco (m)
- talcum powder
- talle* (m)
- waist
- talón (m)
- heel
- tampón (m)
- tampon
- tapones para los oídos (mp)
- earplugs
- tarjeta de seguro médico (f)
- insurance card
- tartamudear (v)
- to stutter
- tartamudeo (m)
- stammering, stuttering
- tartamudez (f)
- stammering, stuttering
- tatuaje (m)
- tattoo
- técnico/a (m,f)
- technician
- técnico/a de radiografía (m,f)
- x-ray technician
- tejido (m)
- tissue
- tejido graso (m)
- fatty tissue
- temblores (mp)
- shakes, tremors
- temperatura (f)
- temperature, fever
- temporal (adj)
- temporary
- tenazas (fp)
- forceps
- tendón (m)
- tendon
- tendón de la corva (m)
- hamstring
- tendonitis (f)
- tendinitis
- tener angustia (v)
- to be anxious
- tener ansias (v)
- to be anxious
- tener basca (v)
- to throw up
- tener chillidos (v)
- to wheeze
- tener coraje (v)
- to be depressed
- tener el susto (v)
- to be depressed*
- tener la congestión (v)
- to be congested
- tener nervios (v)
- nervous
- tener sangramiento (v)
- hemorrhage
- tener sed (v)
- to be thirsty
- tener sueño (v)
- to be sleepy
- tener tapado algo (v)
- to be congested
- tener tapados (los oídos, la nariz) (v)
- to be congested (ears, nose)
- tener tristeza (v)
- to be depressed*, to be sad
- tener vómitos (v)
- to be vomiting
- tenia (f)
- tapeworm
- tensión (f)
- strain
- tensión alta (f)
- hypertension
- tensión emocional (f)
- stress
- tensión nerviosa (f)
- nervous strain
- terapeuta (m,f)
- therapist
- terapeuta del habla (m,f)
- speech therapist
- terapeuta del lenguaje (m,f)
- speech therapist
- terapeuta físico (m,f)
- physical therapist
- terapia (f)
- therapy
- terminal (adj)
- terminal
- terminar (v)
- to finish
- termómetro (m)
- thermometer
- terror (m)
- fright
- testículos (mp)
- testicles
- testosterona (f)
- testosterone
- tétano (m)
- tetanus
- tete (m)
- pacifier
- tetera (f)
- nipple (of a nursing bottle)
- tetilla (f)
- nipple (of a male)
- tez (f)
- complexion
- tibio/a (adj)
- lukewarm
- tic (m)
- tic
- tiempo (m)
- weather, time
- tiezo/a (adj)
- stiff
- tifus (m)
- typhus
- tijeras (fp)
- scissors
- tímpano (m)
- eardrum
- tímpano roto (m)
- eardrum perforation
- tiña (f)
- ringworm, fungal infection*
- tiña inguinal (f)
- jock itch
- tinitus (m)
- buzzing in the ears, tinnitus
- tintineo (m)
- buzzing in the ears, ringing in the ears
- tintura (f)
- tincture
- tiraleche (m)
- breast pump
- tirisia* (f)
- jaundice
- tirita (f)
- bandage
- tiritar (v)
- to shiver
- tiritones* (mp)
- convulsions, tremors
- tiroides (m,f)
- thyroid, thyroid gland
- tirón (m)
- tic
- tisis* (f)
- tuberculosis
- toalla (f)
- towel
- toalla femenina (f)
- sanitary napkin
- toalla sanitaria (f)
- sanitary napkin
- tocar (v)
- to touch
- tolerar (v)
- to tolerate
- tomar (v)
- to drink, to take
- tomografía computarizada (f)
- CT scan
- tónico (adj, m)
- tonic
- tonsilectomía (f)
- tonsillectomy
- tonsilitis (f)
- tonsilitis
- tórax (m)
- thorax, chest
- torcedura (f)
- sprain
- torcedura del tobillo (f)
- ankle sprain
- torcer(se) (v)
- to sprain
- torcido/a (adj)
- twisted
- torcijones (mp)
- abdominal cramps
- torniquete (m)
- tourniquet
- tortícolis (f)
- stiff neck
- torzoncitos* (mp)
- abdominal cramps
- torzones* (mp)
- abdominal cramps
- tos (f)
- cough
- tos ahogona (f)
- pertussis
- tos convulsiva (f)
- pertussis, whooping cough
- tos ferina (f)
- pertussis, whooping cough
- tos seca (f)
- dry cough
- toser (v)
- to cough
- toxemia (f)
- toxemia
- tóxico/a (adj)
- toxic, poison, toxin
- toxina (f)
- toxin
- trabajador/a social (m,f)
- social worker
- trabajo de parto (m)
- labor
- tracción (f)
- traction
- tragadero* (m)
- esophagus
- tragante* (m)
- esophagus
- tragar (v)
- to swallow
- tranquilizante (adj, m)
- tranquilizer
- tranquilo/a (adj)
- calm
- transfusión (f)
- transfusion
- transfusión de sangre (f)
- blood transfusion
- transitorio/a (adj)
- temporary
- transmitido/a (adj)
- transmitted
- transpiración (f)
- perspiration
- transpirar (v)
- to perspire
- tráquea (f)
- trachea
- trasplantar (v)
- to transplant
- trasplante (m)
- transplant
- trasplante de corazón (m)
- heart transplant
- trastornado/a (adj)
- upset, crazy, mentally deranged
- trastornar (v)
- to upset
- trastorno (m)
- confusion, disorder
- trastorno bipolar (m)
- bipolar disorder
- trastorno de deficiencia de concentración (m)
- attention deficit disorder (ADD)
- trastorno del equilibrio (m)
- vertigo
- trastorno mental (m)
- mental disorder, mental illness
- trastorno obsesivocompulsivo (m)
- obsessive compulsive disorder
- tratamiento (m)
- treatment
- tratamiento de canal (m)
- root canal
- tratamiento con láser (m)
- laser treatment
- tratamiento hormonal (m)
- hormone treatment
- tratamientos alternativos (mp)
- alternative treatments
- tratar (v)
- to treat
- trauma (m)
- trauma
- traumatismo (m)
- trauma
- trauma en la cabeza (m)
- head injury, head trauma
- traumático/a (adj)
- traumatic
- trazas (fp)
- traces
- tremores (mp)
- tremors
- tríceps (m)
- triceps
- trimestre (m)
- trimester
- tripa (f)
- gut, bowel, intestine
- tripita* (f)
- appendix
- trismo (m)
- lockjaw
- triste (adj)
- sad
- tristeza (f)
- grief
- trocitos (mp)
- lozenges
- trombosis (f)
- thrombosis
- trombosis coronaria (f)
- coronary thrombosis
- trompa (f)
- tube
- trompa de eustaquio (f)
- eustachian tube
- trompas de Falopio (fp)
- Fallopian tubes
- tuberculosis (f)
- tuberculosis, consumption
- tubo (m)
- tube, Fallopian tube
- tubo de ensayo (m)
- test tube
- tubo Falopio (m)
- Fallopian tubes
- tuétano* (m)
- bone marrow
- tumor (m)
- tumor, growth, melanoma
- tumor maligno (m)
- malignant tumor
- tumor nocivo (m)
- carcinoma
- tumorcito (m)
- growth
- turno (m)
- appointment
* denotes colloquial usage
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