Spanish-English Medical Dictionary
Letter B
- babero (m)
- bib
- bacteria (f)
- bacteria
- balanza (f)
- scale
- bañar(se) (v)
- to bathe
- baño (m)
- bath
- barbilla (f)
- chin
- barbitúricos (mp)
- barbiturates
- bario (m)
- barium
- bastón (m)
- cane
- bata (f)
- gown
- bazo (m)
- spleen
- bebé (m)
- baby
- beber (v)
- to drink
- bebida (f)
- beverage
- beneficios (mp)
- benefits
- benigno (adj)
- benign
- beso (m)
- kiss
- bíceps (m)
- biceps
- bicúspide (m)
- bicuspid
- bifocales (mp)
- bifocals
- bilirrubina (f)
- bilirubin
- bilis (f)
- bile
- biológico (adj)
- biological
- biopsia (f)
- biopsy
- bizco (adj)
- cross-eyed
- boca (f)
- mouth
- boca abajo
- face down
- boca arriba
- face up
- boca seca (f)
- dry mouth
- bocio (m)
- goiter
- bolsa amniótica (f)
- amniotic sac
- bomba (f)
- pump
- bombero/a (m,f)
- firefighter
- borracho (adj)
- drunk
- bostezar (v)
- to yawn
- bostezo (m)
- yawn
- botella (f)
- bottle
- botulismo (m)
- botulism
- brazo (m)
- arm
- bronquitis (f)
- bronchitis
- bulimia (f)
- bulimia
- bulímico (adj)
- bulimic
- bulto (m)
- lump
- bursitis (f)
- bursitis
* denotes colloquial usage
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